Monday, May 19, 2008

Gun Control

Liberals believe that the government should be able to regulate who can and cannot buy guns (with things like a background check) to prevent felons and criminals from getting them. They think the crime rate will go down and they will be preventing crime when guns are less available and not just anyone can get one. Conservatives, on the other hand, think that the purchasing of guns should not be available. They argue that murders committed with guns have not gone down even with the gun ban in place. They also say that in the Constitution, it states that it is our right to bear arms, so it is unconstitutional to put a ban on guns. Most of the time people use guns to defend themselves, and it is everyone's right to be able to defend themselves. They think that guns aren't the problem, people are the problem.

I can't decided how I feel about this issue...I think there should be some middle ground. I don't believe there should be a complete ban on gun purchases, but there should be background checks and paper work making sure guns do not get into the wrong hands. It is important to be able to defend yourself, but you don't necessarily need guns. I just think the government should come up with a plan that allows people with "good intentions" to purchase guns and not criminals or felons.

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